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Understanding & Improving Your Security Ratings

Your security ratings in each category are dynamically calculated based on a combination of new issues, open issues, and recently actioned items. ShadowMap not only tracks these metrics but also provides actionable recommendations to help you improve your security posture.

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Each module's key scoring parameters are categorized by priority levels to help you focus on what matters most:

  • High Priority: Addressing these areas will have the most significant impact on your score. Actioning these issues is critical for quickly improving your security standing.

  • Medium Priority: Tackling these issues will result in a moderate improvement to your score. These areas are important but less urgent than high-priority issues.

  • Low Priority: Resolving these areas will have a smaller, incremental effect on your score. These are typically low-risk issues but still contribute to your overall security posture.

  • Positive Signals: These are areas where you've excelled, such as successfully mitigating risks or preventing new threats. These positive factors are reflected in your score, showcasing your progress.

By following the platform’s tailored recommendations and prioritizing actions accordingly, you can significantly improve your security ratings across all modules.